
What is H4CBD?

H4CBD or Hexahydro cannabidiol is a cannabinoid which is synthetically adjusted by adding 4 additional atoms to the CBD molecule. This H4CBD ingredient has many similarities to the process of producing certain products from vegetable oils.

Is H4CBD the same as CBD?

No! CBD and H4CBD, have a slightly different molecular structure. In this, they certainly have certain similarities but differ greatly in their perceived effects.   The chemical structure as mentioned above, results in a completely different experience when ingesting or vaping the oil.

What H4CBD does do?

H4CBD attaches to CB1 receptors in brain faster than comparative CBD. Usually, CBD has no affinity for those receptors. users who ingest H4CBD report significantly high psycho activity, something that is not the case with CBD.

H4CBD versus CBD

How does H4CBD compare to CBD? Below we try to outline to you how they compare and what the differences are:


From a formal point of view, H4CBD should be classified as a synthetic cannabinoid. Did you know that margarine should also be classified as synthetic, as exactly the same process takes place here? It is even possible to synthesize CBD in a synthetic way this is however unprofitable because certain varieties of hemp plants contain more than sufficient CBD..

CBD is a molecule which is naturally present in hemp and extracted from this plant. H4CBD undergoes an additional process by hydrogenation. This is a chemical process in which an unsaturated compound is converted into a saturated bond. Margarine, for example, is also manufactured in this way.

Due to this additional manufacturing process, H4CBD should be classified as synthetic. Hemp plants and, in particular, hemp seeds also possess miniscule amounts of H4CBD, however, it is present in such a small numbers that it is not economical to extract it from the seeds.

Structure of the molecule

H4CBD is modified in such a way by adding four extra hydrogen atoms at the head of the CBD molecule. This has changed the property of the CBD molecule and also gives it a totally distinct structure.

Which of the two is more potent CBD or H4CBD?

It is claimed that H4CBD is up to 100 times more potent than CBD. To be honest that seems pretty exaggerated to us. However, research did show that H4CBD attaches to the CB1 receptors which, unlike CBD, CBD does not have this property.

There is still a lot of research going on worldwide regarding their exact effects, and for H4CBD this is actually still on the eve of in-depth scientific studies. Here, the following two questions in particular will apply;

What effect does H4CBD have on these CB1 receptors? And, what is its effect on the body?

Legal framework

There is currently no clear legal framework. However, this is still in the spotlight within Europe and there are many ambiguities in this area. Candropharm has been calling for years for clearer frameworks when it comes to the legalisation of certain cannabinoids, but it seems that within Europe each country has its own interpretation of it. In this context, we have decided to play it safe. This may be evidenced by the large number of ISO certifications to provide our customers with the safest possible environment you can offer them. Either way it is important to keep an eye on this.


Products containing CBD in any form are widely available and where this ingredient is plentiful. For H4CBD will be a reflection of that development. As with CBD, demand will start to develop tremendously fast and the whole range of end products CBD is currently by far the most available cannabinoid. However, the demand for H4CBD is growing rapidly, which will naturally lead to a similar development.

What you should consider choosing your trusted supplier?

No matter what ingredient you buy to manufacture your final product, quality should always be the primary consideration. For many years we have an outspoken opinion to that matter, “The highest quality also yields the best end result in our customers products”. In addition, the product should be consistent over many years. You can demand that what you bought yesterday also retains the same properties and quality tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and many years to come.

GMP plays a crucial role in this process, many companies in our industry call themselves GMP compliant. This is of no use to you; it is the certificates that prove we are GMP!


FAQ’s regarding H4CBD

1. Is H4CBD synthetic?

Yes, H4CBD is a synthetic product. It occurs in nature as a kind of trace element in Hemp seeds. However, these are so small that it makes no sense to extract them from the plant because it is simply not economically viable. So what does synthetic mean? Synthetic means that any form in which a molecule is modified in a non-natural way, which is the case with H4CBD, is classified as synthetic. Four atoms are in fact added on the “head” of the CBD molecule.

Synthetic modified products also acquire other new properties as a result.

2. Is HHC the same as H4CBD?

There is a lot of confusion about this. No, both are different. HHC is a derived form of THC where H4CBD is a derived form of CBD. However, the chemical process of hydrogenation, where hydrogen atoms are added, is the same with both.

In general, it can be said that HHC is a kind of THC light.  THC. While H4CBD is said to exhibit greater activity on CB1 receptors than CBD, it is generally believed that HHC is actually slightly weaker than conventional THC.

3. Does H4CBD occur in nature?

Apart from some traces that can be found in hemp seeds, it can be said that H4CBD does not occur in nature and any form of H4CBD is extracted from hydrogenating CBD.

4. What products containing H4CBD are currently available in the market?

Candropharm currently offers H4CBD as a bulk ingredient, packaged per kilogram. In addition, a number of finished products are available as white label and private label, the final rounding tests are currently being carried out. Products Candropharm is currently working on are Vapes, Gummies, H4CBD oils and capsules. Whatever products we will offer must meet the very highest quality and be accompanied by external lab reports.

5. What experience can be expected from H4CBD?

Because studies are lacking, simply too little is known about H4CBD. It seems that H4CBD has a much more powerful effect compared to CBD. What is certain is that it also has a certain psychoactive effect. How it is experienced remains to be seen. As with many products in our industry, that effect can be experienced differently for everyone.

6. What is a H4CBD extract?

High-quality CBD isolate forms the basis for the H4CBD distillate, also called H4CBD extract. Here, all other cannabinoids, waxes, flavourides and terpenes are removed with the aim of obtaining the purest isolated product possible. This H4CBD distillate can be used in production processes to make a finished product. It can also be used to combine it with other extracts to develop entirely new products.

7. How a H4CBD extract should look like?

It looks a lot like a crystal resistant distillate in shape and structure. It is syrupy, its colour resembles honey and it is somewhat transparent. This property makes it perfect for use in vapes, gummies and oils.

8. H4CBD vapes versus HHC vapes

As HHC was still in its infancy a few years ago So is H4CBD. However, the latter is a derivative of THC where H4CBD is that of CBD. HHC is currently under a magnifying glass for being precisely a derivative of THC.

What does Candropharm have to offer in this regard?

Candropharm is currently one of the largest suppliers of ingredients in this field, shipping hundreds of kilos a week of CBD, CBG and CBD isolates as well as distillates across Europe. Almost all larger vape producers in Europe use Candropharms’s crystal resistant distillate. The latter is by far the best base product available in Europe. We have now been in existence for almost seven years and hold numerous ISO and GMP certifications.

We also work with about a hundred other companies for whom we produce their finished products, and package them in their branding, also known as contract manufacturing or private labelling.



Wikipedia; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H4-CBD

Jacob, A.; Todd, A. R. (1940). “119. Cannabis indica. Part II. Isolation of cannabidiol from Egyptian hashish. Observations on the structure of cannabinol”. J. Chem. Soc119: 649–653. doi:10.1039/jr9400000649

Ben-Shabat, Shimon; Hanuš, Lumír O.; Katzavian, Galia; Gallily, Ruth (February 2006). “New Cannabidiol Derivatives: Synthesis, Binding to Cannabinoid Receptor, and Evaluation of Their Antiinflammatory Activity”Journal of Medicinal Chemistry49 (3): 1113–1117. doi:10.1021/jm050709mPMID 16451075



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