The CBD industry has a trajectory unlike any other. From a narrow and controversial inception through to a powerful international, almost global, acceptance and a year-on-year growth pattern that’s been second to none, this sector has been successful beyond imagination and exciting for those, like Candropharm, who have been leaders in the European CBD market.

Recently we have reached a period when tailor-made CBD services are in increasing demand. Let’s take a look at why:

Segmentation – the CBD marketplace is diverse, from seniors who value topical CBD products for their personal use, through to millennials who are committed to better health through diet and ‘bio-hacking’ and rely on personal health tracking systems rather than physicians. Finally there’s the athletic community who view CBD food supplements as essential to effective performance.

Sales – CBD wholesale products are easy to purchase and CBD retail has become one of the biggest growth sectors online. This creates fantastic opportunities for new brands and new product lines for existing brands. CBD consumers are also very loyal, and while they exhibit a lot of ‘shopping around’ at the beginning of their CBD buying, once they find a formulation and brand that works for them, they tend to stick around.

Diversification – food supplement CBD is a valuable and versatile substance. The quality of CBD as a food supplement also makes it ideal for a range of applications such as:

  • Topical treatments for surface application
  • Tinctures
  • Tablets and capsules
  • Inhalables and vapes
  • Bakes and bars
  • Beverages

Together these three factors create a remarkably fluid marketplace where new entrants can find market share with relative ease.

CBD custom orders - the secret to market domination

Candropharm has found that its CBD all-in service is an invaluable asset to those seeking to find and dominate a sector in the diverse CBD marketplace. Why? Because CBD custom orders allow a retailer or reseller to find a segment of this vast customer base that is seeking a specific solution either in terms of delivery, flavour or result, and to cater to those specifications in a way that guarantees a loyal following, endless repeat sales, and a great brand reputation.

Such CBD tailor-made products require pharmaceutical quality CBD that has been produced to the highest standards, for two reasons:

  1. Standardisation of product is essential – any variation in flavour, delivery, presentation, quality or outcomes will lose you customers.
  2. Quality control is vital – as with any naturally derived production, variation is inherent in the raw materials.

This is why Candropharm not only uses Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines but has also achieved ISO 13485:2016 and ISO 9001:2015. This makes Candropharm a European leader in quality, manufacturing standards and safety.

CBD Wholesale - good, bad and ugly

However, before we make it sound as if you can’t go wrong, there are sufficient reasons to be cautious about entry or expansion in the CBD marketplace. You have to be completely confident about the probity and ability of your CBD wholesaler to meet your needs. Otherwise you might run the risk of an inferior product or supply chain issues that leave your customers disappointed and cause them to change their brand.

  • When looking for somebody to fulfil CBD custom orders, consider whether your shortlisted partners can provide you with CBD oil and other formulations tailored to your own specifications.
  • Check whether they offer a full service that includes design and packaging.
  • Examine their innovation – do they have a deep and wide presence or do they rely on a narrow base of products? Candropharm is a known innovator, introducing new CBD oil products like CandroLemon, CandroMint and CandroOrange and a water-soluble pharmaceutical grade CBD-isolate that is a market leader.
  • Ensure that you can obtain your chosen products in both large and small volumes so that you can fulfil client orders but also trial new products without having to incur a large capital risk. As an example, Candropharm offers a minimum white label service of just ten items per SKU, giving entrepreneurs the opportunity to field-test potential new products in a cost effective fashion.

All these requirements are quite easy to assess, but there is a further, less tangible aspect of choosing a CBD all-in service which may in fact be the most important of all. It’s the sense in which your CBD wholesale partner is focused on your aims, ideas and ambitions, creating a relationship of mutual respect and teamwork towards your goals.

So if you’re looking for a unique relationship with a highly respected CBD wholesaler, who constantly strives to achieve excellence, and whose products are market leaders, look no further. Candropharm is always excited to find new ways to create CBD tailor-made products and to help our customers to succeed.


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