CBD Crude Oil

CBD Crude Oil

CBD Crude Oil

 60-70% CBD | ± 2-6% Minors | THC LOQ < 0.01%

We’re thrilled to introduce you to the world of CBD Crude Oil! At Candropharm, we’re one of the select few European companies offering this incredible base product. Our extraction process yields a potent CBD Crude with a stunning 60% to 70% CBD content. But that’s not all – our method preserves high levels of other beneficial cannabinoids like CBC, CBN, CBG, and CBD-V, giving you a truly broad-spectrum experience.

Imagine creating oral tinctures and other CBD products with a rich cannabinoid profile, all while keeping costs down. That’s exactly what our CBD Crude Oil allows you to do! We’ve worked tirelessly to remove trace elements of THC during post-processing, making our product ideal for those seeking the benefits of multiple cannabinoids without the psychoactive effects.


CBD Crude Oil: The Affordable, Broad-Spectrum Hemp Extract Revolutionising Wellness Products!


We’re thrilled to introduce you to the world of CBD Crude Oil! At Candropharm, we’re one of the select few companies offering this incredible base product. Our extraction process yields a potent CBD Crude with a stunning 60% to 70% CBD content. But that’s not all – our method preserves high levels of other beneficial cannabinoids like CBC, CBN, CBG, and CBD-V, giving you a truly broad-spectrum experience.

Imagine creating oral tinctures and other CBD products with a rich cannabinoid profile, all while keeping costs down. That’s exactly what our CBD Crude Oil allows you to do! We’ve worked tirelessly to remove trace elements of THC during post-processing, making our product ideal for those seeking the benefits of multiple cannabinoids without the psychoactive effects.

We’re so proud of our rigorous testing standards, ensuring extremely low THC levels in our final product. While trace amounts may still be present, you can trust that we’ve gone above and beyond to deliver a high-quality, broad-spectrum CBD Crude Oil that’s perfect for your formulation needs. Get ready to elevate your CBD products with Candropharm’s exceptional CBD Crude!

Innovative Extraction and Purification

Our cutting-edge techniques yield CBD crude oil bursting with potency and a full spectrum of beneficial cannabinoids. We’re thrilled to share the secrets behind our premium product!

Premium CBD Potency and Spectrum

We’ve perfected an extraction process that delivers astonishingly high CBD potency, typically ranging from 60% to 70%! But that’s not all – our method preserves impressive levels of other valuable cannabinoids too.

We’re talking about CBC, CBN, CBG, and CBD-V – the whole gang’s here! This rich cannabinoid profile sets our crude oil apart, making it ideal for broad-spectrum products. We’re chuffed to bits with the results!

Our extract packs a serious punch, perfect for crafting potent tinctures and other CBD-rich goodies. And the best part? We achieve all this without breaking the bank!

The Winterisation Technique

After extraction, we put our crude through a brilliant process called winterisation. It’s like giving our oil a refreshing spa treatment!

This clever technique removes any unwanted plant waxes and lipids, resulting in a cleaner, more refined product. We’re particularly excited about how winterisation helps us remove trace amounts of THC.

While we can’t guarantee 100% THC-free oil (we test to extremely low levels), winterisation gets us remarkably close. It’s a crucial step in creating a top-notch, broad-spectrum CBD crude that meets strict quality standards.

The end result? A premium CBD crude oil that’s bursting with beneficial cannabinoids, yet virtually THC-free. We’re absolutely chuffed with what we’ve achieved!

Versatility in Application

Our CBD Crude Oil offers incredible flexibility for product development and market adaptation. We’re thrilled to share how this versatile extract can revolutionise your CBD offerings!

Tailoring to Market Needs

We’re excited about the endless possibilities our CBD Crude Oil brings to the table! It’s perfect for crafting oral tincture solutions that pack a punch with a broad spectrum of cannabinoids. The best part? You can achieve this at a wallet-friendly price point!

Our extraction process preserves high levels of beneficial compounds like CBC, CBN, CBG, and CBD-V. This means you can create products that stand out in the market. Fancy a sleep aid? Or perhaps an energy booster? With our CBD Crude, you’re sorted!

We’ve made sure our product contains only trace amounts of THC. This opens doors to markets where THC-free products are in high demand. It’s a win-win situation!

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