

Presenting CandroFresh, the innovative CBD rich mouth spray with natural menthol for fresher breath as well as for oral hygiene. A great way to start your day with an extra boost of confidence.

Enjoy our 5% CBD now as an oil which can be sprayed directly into your mouth for an instant menthol fresh sensation. The base of vegan organic hemp seed oil contains highly sought after omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, supporting the care and maintenance of healthy teeth and gums and the CBD is of the purest quality, containing 0% THC.

Spray 3 times and swish in mouth for a full 30 seconds, finally spitting any residue out into the sink. Rinsing with our CBD oil also allows it to penetrate the interdental spaces to aid in oral hygiene.

And of course we only use natural non-GMO ingredients because we care about what goes into your body!
This is a cosmetic product, therefore should not be swallowed.

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