Candroplus is a CBD-CBG THC Free* hemp oil
5-25% CBD | 5-25% CBG | THC < 0.01% | Total sum of cannabinoids Max. 30%
THC-Free CBD-distillate
Candroplus is a superb combination of two cannabinoids, CBD and CBG. The unique properties of both are complementary and come together in this distinctive product. The acclaimed entourage effect demonstrates its full advantage as the two cannabinoids harmoniously cooperate in Candroplus.
Tailor-made to your needs
We have always on stock 4% CBD – 4% CBG and 6% CBD – 6% CBG but the rapidly changing CBD industry is demanding products that are easy to process and have reliable long-term consistency. This product is also offered as a tailor-made solution in which you decide what the carrier and cannabinoid content will be (CBD and CBG combined to a maximum 30%).
Tailor-made to your needs
We have always on stock 4% CBD and 4% CBG, 6% CBD and 6% CBG but the rapidly changing CBD industry is demanding products that are easy to process and have reliable long-term consistency. This product is also offered as a tailor-made solution in which you decide what the carrier and cannabinoid content will be (CBD and CBG combined to a maximum 30%).