Water Soluble Powder CBD Isolate

Water Soluble Powder CBD Isolate

Water soluble CBD powder WSP20

20% CBD | THC < 0.005%

THC Free Water soluble CBD Isolate

Candropharm’s International water soluble CBD-powder is an isolate which has been extracted to its purest CBD form and comes without any detectable levels of THC (LOQ< 0,005%). This powder is the ideal industrial solution for developing and producing CBD infused beverages and drinks. Candropharm’s CBD isolate is the base material used in the manufacturing process of the water soluble CBD-powder. This pharmaceutical grade CBD-Isolate is the industry frontrunner, used in hundreds of different products worldwide.

The powder has a uniform crystal size and can be used in cold or hot drinks or in a dry powdered mix with other ingredients. This food grade ingredient is therefore ideal to use in ready-to-drink powders.

Water soluble CBD – a step into the future

The market of ready-to-drink shots, powdered mixes and exclusive cosmetics is growing at a double digit rate in many countries. Water soluble CBD powder has a range of applications and can be used as a secondary component with, for example, melatonin, vitamins or proteins. This enables producers to stand out from the competition by bringing versatile new products to market.

The powder has no artificial flavourings, additives, colours or preservatives and is allergen free.

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